
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chinese Randoms

Some randominess... Trying to get caught up!!

Here's a video of Rilynn's Chinese Performance at school. One of the many great things from her school is how much the kids are up on stage performing. I think it's a great thing to start early on so they aren't so embarrassed later on in life :) (like her mommy!)

 Kids watching a puppet show. Notice all the towel 'capes' the kids are wearing. For a reason I will never understand, the kids wear these to help with the sweat, rather than just taking off layers of clothing!

 At Zhongshan park watching a man doing some Chinese water caligraphy

Now that we have been here for almost 2 years we are now starting to experience some of our close friends repatriating. It's so sad to make such great friends here and then have them leave :( My friend Sue from MI is leaving the end of May. For her farewell evening we went out for a riverboat cruise and then out for dinner. Had a fun night, but very sad for them to leave!
 Our boat

View from our boat

The girls

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