
Monday, May 28, 2012

We made it to the Great Wall!

We finally made our way to go visit The Great Wall of China in Beijing. We went for the weekend and stay 2 nights at the Commune by the Great Wall Resort. Some friends of ours had recommended this unique place to us and we weren't disappointed! It was about an 1 1/2 hour taxi drive from the airport. The main reason we stayed here was the location. We could see The Great Wall right from our bedroom window!!

The resort was a number of very modern type villas all spaced apart. They had a minivan shuttle to get us around.
Our bed with Great Wall view
Hallway in our room with bathroom on right and kids' bedroom at the end
Looking down into the community living room from the upstairs
The patio overlooking the Wall
The best kids club I've ever seen!! 2 floors of activities, including a library, kitchen, TV room, art room, dress up room, and tons of toys! We took advantage of sending the kids for a half day while we chilled by the pool :)
The kids' kitchen. They made chocolate cookies while they were there
Rilynn was in art/craft heaven!!!!!
Our villa- It had 4 'hotel' private type rooms. Then a shared living room, sitting room, office, kitchen, patio, and dining room. There was only one other couple staying so we pretty much had the whole house to ourselves :)
Patio view of the Wall
We hiked all the way from here to the top of the mountain on the right to the Wall!
Another amazing perk of this resort was that they provided a guide and led you to their own private part to an unrestored part of The Wall. Normally when you go to the public entrances it's extremely crowded. However, we had the Wall all to ourselves!! Since it was unrestored, it also meant that it wasn't the easiest path to get around. The kids were amazing... I was the one complaining and stopping for breaks :) LOL
View from the Wall of where we came from. You can see the red villa in the far background. The closest building was having a wedding on the roof that day.
Hiking up
Don't look back!!!

I totally meant to take a video of the kids up on the Wall, but of course forgot. And I was not about to climb up it again!! So I decided to do a recap one instead :)

Sunday morning we checked out and headed to the city. Our first stop was dropping our luggage off at Chad's hotel where he had a conference and would be staying until Tuesday. Then off to Forbidden City. It was a completely different atmosphere. We had just come from blue skies, fresh air, quiet, no people and then in Beijing everything was opposite. We then we were reminded that we were still in China! The resort had been so wonderful letting us escape the city life for a few days.

Outside Forbidden City
Our transportation from the Forbidden City to Tiananmen Square. A little scary and definitely not going to win any parenting awards, but we made it! :)
Tiananmen Square

Forbidden City in the far background
And last, but not least... What we call here, The Man-kini!!!! LOL

We flew out on Mother's Day. Chad had to stay in Beijing for work, but got us checked in at the airport and then went back to his hotel. We got to the airport early (3:00pm) as he needed to get back to the hotel. Our flight didn't leave until 7:30pm so I had a lot of entertaining to do in the airport. And of course being in a Chinese airport there is absolutely no selection of food! Well, we made it and got to our gate only to find out at boarding time it was delayed. Then it turned into all the flights were delayed! Had no idea what was going on as I didn't want to lose our seats or leave the kids alone.. So, we waited, and Waited, and WAITED!! The kids fell asleep around 9. Thankfully there were a nice American family a couple rows from us who volunteered to watch the kids so I could go to the bathroom! Finally around 12:00am the family came back up to me and told me they switched the gates and they could help carry the kids for me. SO NICE!! Finally, around 1am we boarded the plane and made it back home around 4am! Needless to say, no school or work the next day and definitely a mother's day I'll never forget!!

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