
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Busy Girl!

Now that the summer weather has arrived it seems like Rilynn's school has been having activities a lot!! I feel like I'm there for something a couple times a week :)

First was activity day- They had different stations for the 3 classes of K4. A couple minutes spent at each one then onto the next. It was then finished with a game of tug of war between the parents. Not really sure who won as the rope broke! Ha

Her class has been preparing for a variety show for the past month. The kids came up with all the ideas, made their costumes and sets, and even made the tickets :) The show featured a magic show, drama skit, dancing, and singing. Rilynn was part of the dancing group.. It was fun to see the kids perform and how they were so proud of themselves.. Chad was even in town to take off of work to come watch!

Rilynn (aka curtain holder)

The dancing group

Then this week she had Sports Day. It was a huge event with the whole school. They had 4 different teams and a bunch of different events. They kept track of the scores to see which team won.


The next Olympic sport, Chicken Throwing :) There was a discus throw for the older kids..

Vortex Throw

Rilynn loves the body boards

Long Jump in Action

40m dash

The yellow team and their team chant

Then finally yesterday they had Global Day. It's the biggest parent run event of the year. It was supposed to be 5 hours, but we only lasted 1 1/2 hours. It was close to 90 degrees this whole weekend and we were soooo hot!! Rilynn's international school has students from 42 different countries and 30 of those had different booths here, representing their country. Our USA booth was about landing on the moon. Each booth also had to provide food found in their country. We of course served Mac & Cheese and chocolate chip cookies. It was the first time that I've baked cookies here so my contribution costed over $30 to make one batch of cookies!! However, they were so yummy :)

The USA booth- Moon Walk

We had to wear our colors, so it was perfect for the USA and for Minnesota :)

They had a large parade walking around the track with your flag.

I really can't complain as there would be no way that I would ever be able to attend this amount of activities if I were working.. So I am very thankful that my time here I am able to do it. And I know how much it means to her to look over and see I'm there watching :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a good Mothers Day! Rilynn is getting so big! I'm glad she didn't take after me and sports lol :) love the videos! do one every blog! :)
