
Friday, May 6, 2011

Great Labor Day weekend!

We had a great holiday family weekend last week!! It was nice to be all together for the 3 day weekend..

Brady has been begging us to play basketball in the gym since we moved here. We found out that you actually have to reserve and pay 50rmb ($7) to use it for an hour. So we finally got around to reserving the court and he had so much fun!! Chad and I were pretty rusty with our game of HORSE, but it was nice..

Our superstar!

After nap, we headed back to the clubhouse for a game of bowling. Rilynn started throwing the ball with one hand instead of just pushing it with both hands. Now that she has the form down, we need to work on the accuracy :)

The following day we ventured out to Xintiandi to watch our first movie in China. Rio in 3D was playing in English with Chinese subtitles so thought we'd give it a try! For the 4 of us it costed 400rmb (~$60). And I thought it was expensive in the US!! Pllus we had to give them another 400rmb as deposit for the glasses.. Thankfully, both kids did AWESOME during the movie!! They kept their big and heavy glasses on the whole time and didn't get up from their chairs! Plus, it was a pretty cute movie, especially since our family is all hooked on Angry Birds!

Concession Stand- Notice the 2nd item down.. Snickers, SQUID!, Dove, ... LOL.. China loves Kettle Corn (Sweet) popcorn here, but thankfully they actually had buttered popcorn.. However, DEFINTELY not like back home.. Cold and not too buttery :(

On Monday, we went to the clubhouse again  to do some swimming.. Since the start of their swimming lessons the kids have both turned into little fishies!! Rilynn has even learned to swim on her own here.. Every Tuesday she is in the pool before and after her lesson for 2 hours!!

We ended our weekend with taking the Ferry from Pudong across the river to Puxi. It's been on my list of things to do so it was nice to be able to do it together. We walked from the clubhouse to the station. Paid a whole 1rmb (~$.15) for all 4 of us and hopped on. It was standing room only along side of all of the scooters and bikes. It was definitely an experience and the kids thought it was cool :)

Crazy enough we ran into some friends on the ferry also for their first time. We were both heading to the same area in Puxi to grab some food. So we all grabbed a burger at a restaurant in the Cool Docks. It's a very nice area with a bunch of different bars and restaurants with outdoor seating. Chad and I will definitely be going back there for a date night!

After this past weekend we officially had the air conditioner switched over. It was up in the 80's. I am so thankful we will be coming home during the summer, as I do not do well in the heat! However, I really did enjoy missing the MN snow this winter :) 

Thankfully, our summer trip home is officially booked. We are leaving July 2 and the kids and I will be staying until the middle of August while Chad will be in the US for only the first 3 weeks. Can't wait to see everyone!!

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