
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Taikang Lu

I started taking a photography course here last month to learn how to 'really' use my camera. It's been really fun and helpful. My teacher, Baja Van Hulst, is from Holland and teaches a basic, intermediate, and advanced class here. My goal is to made through all of her classes before I leave. It's also been great meeting a whole new group of people. There are 12 of us in the class and I'm the only one from the US. The rest are from Italy, Sweden, Brazil, and Germany. Like me they are all expats and all speak pretty good English. In 2 weeks we are going on a photohunt in the 'Old Town' of Shanghai. More pictures to come from that :)

Anyways, I obviously love taking pictures so I love getting the chance to wander around here by myself and take some while exploring. The other day I went back to Taikang Lu and the wet market by it. We visited both of these places on our look see trip. I have already been back to Taikang Lu a couple of times since, but not the market. I was shocked on how much I've changed and not freaked out by the sight and smells of the market :) But still will not be doing any shopping there!!!

Taikang Lu was built in 1930 as a residential district and remained a place for the locals to live. In 2006, it was slated for demolition. However, there was a famous artist living there and a group proposed to the government to preserve the area for its traditional architecture. Currently, it has 200 diverse small businesses and has turned into a very popular tourist attraction. I won't say it's a beautiful area, but it is still very cool to roam the alleys going shopping. All while you can look up and see laundry hanging outside or walk down an alley up to someone's house. If anyone comes to visit this is definitely a place where we'll check out!
Here's some pictures from my adventure by myself. Will definitely be going back for more exploring with my camera!

Washing some clothes

There were just random birds in the cages hanging around outside.

Wet Market- Not used to the smells, but being a nurse you learn quickly how to breathe through your mouth :)

Like the meat laying out wasn't' bad enough, let's just 'smoke' it up a bit!

Since Taikang Lu is a very artsy place, it's fitting to put in pictures of Rilynn's art show at school.

Our Artist- They were selling their artwork and donating the money for charity. I paid the artist her 50rmb for this lovely one of a kind art!

Rilynn's class artwork where they held a silent auction for it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. wow can't believe that guy was smoking!!!!ewww.
    cute art Rilynn! :)
