
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fuxing Park

The weather has been gorgeous lately (60-70 degrees) so Brady and I decided it was about time to go check out some of the many parks here. After we dropped Rilynn off at school on Tuesday we headed over to Puxi to check out the popular Fuxing (pronounced "fooshing") Park. We got there around 9:00 and I was shocked how busy it was. There were groups of people everywhere. Some groups had their own boombox and were either line dancing, ballroom dancing, or singing. Others were practicing Tai Chi or doing some moves with swords! It was very fascinating to see all the very different activities and the amount of people who gathered on a Tuesday morning.

 Some ballroom dancing

 Thought this was cute. There were a lot of grandparents with their grandchildren at the park.

 The only place where you can play with swords in a park! Ha

 A choir

Some more exercise equipment. This man was doing some crunches!

 Some ladies having fun with fans

Brady was having fun with the other 2 chinese boys in the bouncy castle until a field trip showed up and they let them ALL in!!!

 It was an absolutely beautiful day!!!

 I'll admit, I turned into a Chinese paparazzi here, but at least I asked! These boys were posing for a picture and I walked up to them and pointed to my camera to their mom and she even posed them better and straightened their jackets for me :)

Sarah and Claire met us at the park to play. The kids had fun playing in the dirt :)

Since Rilynn and Chad aren't able to check out the new places with us, but we knew that Rilynn would like this park. So we headed back to the park this morning. And we were right.. She had a blast!! And I'm pretty sure Chad enjoyed the bumper cars too :)

1 comment:

  1. what a weird name for a
    that's good Rilynn got to go to the park too! random ppl sword fighting and doing crunches in the park hahaha..Brady looks so fierce on the red car..cute bumper car video!!! :)
