
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Fun Weekend...

When Chad is traveling weekends are by far the hardest. So this weekend we had to stay plenty busy and that we did!! Plus had a lot of fun :)

Saturday night we were invited to a party at a friends apartment in our compound. It was a family night out, which was nice for the kids and I. Stacy had 13 kids under the age of 6 there!! Thankfully they all got along and played great together. We then ordered pizza and they changed into their PJ's to watch a movie. We ended up splitting them up in 2 rooms (the noisy one's and the quiet one's, LOL), but it worked out well. There were also 2 ayi's there to watch the kids so the parents could socialize. I met a lot of great new people and will also be spending our Easter with most of them too! A friend has organized a Easter Egg Hunt followed by a brunch at a hotel, which should be a lot of fun! 

Missing a couple kids here. Would you also believe that all these kids are sitting so nicely all while watching a 6 inch screen sitting on the dresser?!? HA

Today we were out the door at 7:30 on our way to Jinqiao, about 15 minutes away, for the 2K Fun Run we had signed up for. They had a 2K and 8K, which we opted for the 2K. Since Rilynn just got her bike she begged to ride it, which I was hesitant about letting her, but she did and rode it for almost the whole race. She would've made it, but I had Mr. Hou come and get it so we didn't have to deal with it in the crowds again after we were done. We met up with our friends, Katherine and Brycen, to walk with. The boys get along great and are actually only a couple weeks apart in age. They were lucky enough to ride in the strollers for the race :)

 Here is a tiny glimpse into our life with the paparazzi. I had thought I was used to it after being here for 5 months, but today it was ridiculous!!! It's so crazy and I totally don't understand with the fascination with the kids. They will literally stop in front of us to take a picture. When I took Rilynn to the bathroom, Katherine had told me that Brady put his shade down to block the photographers :)

TONS of people getting ready to start the 8K!!

Kids receiving their awards for finishing the race. Only took us 38 minutes :) We were definitely not in it to win it! Ha

I wished I could've gotten a better pic, but we were crossing the street. Check out that load all being carried on a bike?!?

The kiddos eating some yummy Mexican food and enjoying the beautiful weathery!!

So much for sweat and tears.. For Brady it was dirt and tears!!!

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