
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rilynn- The runway model

I found an agent here and we were fortunate to directly book Rilynn for a runway fashion show at a very ritzy mall, Xintiandi Style. This is one of the most expensive areas in Shanghai. Across the street from the mall is a Jaguar store to give you an idea. Chad is gone until Wednesday traveling so thanks to a friend here she was able to watch Brady for me. Had no idea what to expect or even how Rilynn was going to do, but I was very honest in explaining the process to her and she wanted to do it. So, we accepted :)

Wednesday night was a fitting. We showed up and met with the agent who brought us in the large dressing room and gave us her outfit. Tried it on and looked nice, minus her squeaker shoes that were too small. Told us they would have a bigger pair for the show for her. Was there for about 25 minutes and on our way. A little bummed and nervous that they didn't have a rehearsal that night, but was at least able to show her the stage.

The show was Thursday night at 8:30pm. We had to arrive by 5:30 for rehearsal. I was well prepared with snacks, DVD player, Iphone with Angry Birds charged, and a present to last for 3 hours. There were 3 other 5 year old models and the rest were young adult. 2 of the kids were siblings from China and the other boy was from France. They all were seasoned models, which we were not so it was nice to know that Rilynn was going to be able to walk with one of them. Rehearsal began and she did so good. It was a matter of stopping 4 times to wave and smile, which was no problem once I was able to explain it to her. The director spoke english but with a very heavy accent and all the other kids were fluent in Chinese. Did alot of sitting around backstage, but it wasn't too bad. Rilynn liked playing with her new friends and on their phones and I just liked watching the hustle bustle backstage. 6:30 was dress rehearsal which had already gathered an audience. She did great again. She then was able to change back to her street clothes are we were free for an hour. Went outside for some fresh air (well, as fresh as can be in Shanghai) and then went back for hair and makeup. She wasn't too sure at first having a swarm of people hovering over her trying to take pictures, but she warmed up to it. Thankfully they only put a little makeup on- foundation, glitter eyeshadow, and lip gloss. They also didn't do anything crazy with her hair as she was wearing a hat. Then it was time to get changed again and they had a different pair of shoes for her, but once again didn't fit. I had told them she wears 11 before our fitting, but for whatever reason both of the pairs they brought her were 10. Go figure why they didn't fit!! So thankfully she had a decent looking pair of navy blue mary jane shoes on and they just let her wear them for the show. Had about 45 minutes before show so we were hanging out backstage with everyone. I was doing a lot of people watching and checking out their crazy hair and outfits while Rilynn was staying busy with the kids playing games and on my phone (Thank you Angry Birds!).. Even some of the models were playing Angry Birds :) Some of the outfits were pretty crazy and I couldn't imagine walking in their heels!!

Added 4/26/11- Found out Rilynn's picture made the China Daily and another paper! Here's the link to the articles..
China Daily Article
Finance Article

Also here's a video that someone took of the show- Much better than mine :)


Dress rehearsal

Right before the show. It was packed!

Showtime- Kids lined up backstage and the parents were instructed to 'follow' their kids on stage through the audience so they would look at us in the crowd. It worked well in rehearsal, but not when the place was packed with people. Since Chad is traveling I didn't have any there to help take pictures or video, so I had to try and maneuver through the crowds while trying to take video. So I apologize for the poor video.. Rilynn walked out with Thomas and they did so great. She waved and smiled and stopped at all her spots. There were a ton of people taking pictures and videos and even the 2 floors above were packed with people watching the show. Backstage again until the show finished and then they did one more walk together with a model for the finale.



Went home and picked up Brady, then I had to carry my 2 sleeping kids upstairs to bed. Mr. Hou waited with one until I came back down for the other.

We didn't bring Rilynn's bike with us here and she has really been wanting one. So I explained how much money she had and how much the bike would cost and she wanted to buy one. Headed off to Walmart after school yesterday and she's now the proud owner of her own bike that she bought with her own money :) Plus she still has some left for her savings.

I'll be honest.. I wasn't too sure how she was going to do, since is known to be pretty shy at times.. However, she completely shocked me and I was so proud of her that she was able to get in front of that many people with lights and music going and do great!! She kept saying that she liked being a model :)

She is now my international model..

Corner of the ritzy Xintiandi Style Mall

Ritzy as see the upclose of the Jaguar store across the street :)

Her show was the beginning of Fashion Week

Spring/Summer Show

View of runway from the 2nd floor of the mall

StompStamp the really expensive children's store she modeled for. Wished they would've given us her outfit to keep, but definitely not able to buy it!

1st rehearsal

I had to help her out as they were speaking english, but with a heavy accent.

Rilynn with her partner Thomas. The other girl Bethany was his sister. They were so cute!

Rilynn sneaking in the back for the pic. These were all the kid models. The 2 siblings from China and the other boy was from France. Rilynn was the only one who hadn't done this before and you wouldn't have known it :)

Rilynn posing in front of the red carpet entrance

Crazy backstage getting her make-up done. The ladies were loving the girls. They all were taking pictures of them with their phones :)

So beautiful! Thankfully they didn't go all crazy with the kids. Just some powder, glitter eyeshadow, and lip gloss. Rilynn loved it :)

Rilynn hanging out with the models backstage.

Posed and ready to go!

Rilynn with her new friend Bethany

Check out the neon colors and crazy hair do's!
Rilynn with her model partner for the finale

Another shot of the runway from above

And the best part of the whole thing.. Her new bike!!

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