
Monday, April 25, 2011

Another year older...

Pretty sure I'll always remember where I was for my 31st birthday. The fun started a week before my birthday when we rec'd 3 care packages in the mail from our parents and my sisters. It was loaded with a TON of greatly missed food and Easter presents for the kids. So a big THANK YOU to you all (as we know shipping isn't cheap!)

So Wednesday came along and Susan showed up with a lovely bouquet of lillies for me. I was very shocked and touched how she remembered.

She watched Brady while I enjoyed the rest of the day to myself. I went back to Gillian, my lovely Irish hairdresser, and got my hair done. Then came home and got ready for our evening out while Susan babysat the kiddos. We headed out to a nice restaurant in Puxi (right on the river) called M on the Bund. We were early so had a drink at the Glamour Bar below the restaurant. Chad ordered this drink, but didn't want to say the name :) LOL
Our Milkshake brings all the Boys to the Yard ~ iced strawberries lavished with Baileys & Tia

Maria, blended together... forever...

It was a nice place to eat with an AWESOME view.

We headed back to get a slice of birthday cheesecake by our house and then ended the evening getting a massage. It was a great night and great birthday!!

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