
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Custom clothing.. Cool huh?

So, I've been waiting  patiently to have some clothing custom made for me here. We had visited this fabric market on our 'look see' in August and it sounded so cool. Who wouldn't love to have their favorite pair of jeans copied or have an expensive outfit from a magazine copied to fit you perfectly..

My friend and I finally went to check it out together. She had already been there before and had some clothing made so she knew the ropes. This market is 3 floors filled with tailors and tons of different booths. They have samples of clothing hanging in/out of their booths and TONS of fabric inside. There was everything from jackets to prom dresses to jeans.

My friend had used some people up on the 2nd floor so we decided to try them out again and some new one's. We each had a pair of our husbands jeans to get copied, so that was our first stop. Easy process for that- hand over Chad's jeans and pick out a jean fabric from a large spool, made a deposit, and told to come back in a week. Onto the next booth- Saw a cute cotton button blouse, picked out fabric, got measured, made deposit, and left. Last stop- again found 2 shirts I liked hanging up, picked out the fabric, got measured, and left deposit.

Jeans- 150rmb (~$22)
Shirts- 120rmb/piece (~$18)

A week passed and I went back on Monday to pick up our clothes. I was so excited to see how they turned out!! Unfortunately, Chad's jeans weren't done yet and that I was supposed to come back in 1 1/2 hours. However, all of my shirts were ready and looked pretty nice. I probably should've tried them on, but it's not like they had dressing rooms in their booths! Thankfully though they all seemed to fit :) Finally I was able to get his jeans and they looked awful!!! And since I don't know any Chinese I wasn't about to get into it with them, so I just took them and left.

Chad also was a tad disappointed and now has a new jean rag to use :) Thankfully it wasn't that much money lost and that it was a new experience for us. Since there aren't a whole lot of options for American sizes here, I was hoping for a new wardrobe, but now know that won't be happening until I come home in July!

Our clothes..

1 comment:

  1. Too bad Chads pants didn't fit..they must have done it super quick! your clothers look nice! :)
