
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring has sprung!

The weather lately has been gorgeous. It's been in the 60-70's and I think we may have hit 80 degrees yesterday. So of course another zoo trip was needed. We met up with a few friends and spent the day walking around the zoo.

Brady with his friend Aoife

Petting zoo with a some huge bellied pigs!

This picture looks bad, but I promise there was glass between the fence :)

Crazy story- See the yellow object on the ground? That is a deflated blow up toy tied to a rope held onto by a not so smart man. He kept throwing this in the lions den to get their attention. I can't say that I trust a Chinese zoo's safety regulations 100%, so when the lion saw the toy and started moving towards it, we booked it out of there! I was hoping we wouldn't be hearing about a lion escaping his cage later that day...

Another funny story- There were about 6 kids in our group and they were all lined up by a railing outside a monkey cage. All of a sudden the monkey spit a huge mouthful of what we were praying was water at the kids through the cage. I have never seen 6 kids run so fast!!! I wished I had gotten that on camera as I think we would've been rich from America's Funniest Video :) It was hilarious!!!

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