
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Strawberry picking..

We had every intention to meet up some friends today for some strawberry picking at an organic farm, however only accomplished the latter. 2 LONG hours in the car and an hour late to meet our friends, we finally found the farm :) No English was spoken, but was able to figure it out-Grab baskets, pick strawberries, get weighed and boxed up, pay. Done.

Kids had a lot of fun. Rilynn could've picked all of the strawberries in the farm if we hadn't stopped her! LOL. Strawberries are pretty expensive here, so we hadn't even bothered getting any until now. They were about 25rmb (~$3.50) for 500g compared to the stores that are selling them around 85rmb (~$12). We walked away with 2 large boxes for 150rmb (~$22) and now are set for strawberries for awhile!!

Our organic farm tent :)

 HUGE strawberry!!!

 Kids with our driver Mr. Hou

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