
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Soccer in China

Funny story... Kids started soccer 3 weeks ago. The 3-4 year olds were first and then the 5-6 years old were next. Well, Brady was up first and he had about 4 other kids in the class with him. About 2 minutes  goes by (not even done with the first 'drill') and the coach comes up to the parents and tells us that he cannot coach these kids.. LOL.. We're like, "Um OK" not really too sure what had just happened. He didn't even ask for any help from the parents, but did say that maybe another coach would be better.. Since Rilynn's class wasn't for a half an hour the coach did decide to 'play' with Brady's class. Rilynn did pretty good in her class, especially being the only girl :) We were bummed about Brady's class getting cancelled and not really quite sure how to break the news to him since he had been so excited to start, so I emailed the director. She said that the coach did not feel comfortable coaching the youngsters and also said that most of them did not speak English (which wasn't true), but that he said Brady would be ok playing with Rilynn's class. So now little Brady is playing with the 'big' kids and doing very well!!

Went out for St. Patrick's Day here and had a great time out with some friends here! Started out as a happy hour at Morton's Steakhouse enjoying some tasty chocolate martini's and free steak sandwiches. Then headed over to a local bar down the road from us and enjoyed some more cocktails and had a great night!!

Some new friends, Kelly from WI and Hiliary from New Zealand

This band was awesome!! It's so amazing to me how when they sing there is no accent.. The male singer came over to take some requests from us and he had such a heavy accent, but when they were up there singing it was just like being back at home :)

Fun times...

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