
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fun times..

Brady had his interview for YCIS (Yew Chung, Rilynn's school) to start next fall, but he is still on the waitlist for now. So in the meantime, I've been keeping busy with playdates,  a music class (Jitterbugs), swimming, soccer, and of course going outside to enjoy our beautiful spring weather!!

 Mama Meya, one of Brady's favorite indoor play spaces. It has everything a kid would ever want to play with. It also has free WiFi and you can order food and drinks while the kids are playing! We REALLY need one of these back home :) We'll be coming here for an Easter egg hunt on the 23rd, which we're looking forward to.

Brady with some of his friends

The kids were invited to a costume bday party in our compound. I was able to score this cool costume for Brady at my first garage sale here :)

 Birthday boy and one-eyed Brady

Beautiful Snow White

Walked around for a couple hours this morning after soccer. It was mid 60s today and BEAUTIFUL out!!!

 Watching the boats go down the Huangpu River

Brady wins!

Picked up some cheap flowers (10rmb = $1.50) from a lady by our house. She was very kind and gave the kids a flower too :)

Chad and I gave the Mandarin a try, but just couldn't get it. We were taking lessons twice a week, from 7:30-9 when the kids were sleeping. With all of Chad's traveling and having to give up 2 of our nights we decided to end it this week. If our assignment was longer, I'm sure we would've tried hard a little harder to stick it out, but we've already been here for 4 months and are surviving :) Rilynn definitely knows a lot more than us!!! LOL. At least back home they are now offering Mandarin language in the schools so she'll hopefully be able to keep it up.

Not sure if I had already mentioned this in the blog yet, but we were finally able to rent out our home starting March 1. They signed a 1 year lease, so now hopefully it will be OK when we are back!! It will be weird coming home this summer, but not able to stay at our own home :( However, REALLY looking forward to coming home in July for the summer!!!!

Miss you all..

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