
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Interesting randoms...

Some random pics taken with my I-Phone.. You really have to bring a camera with you as you never know what you'll see!!

Where should we take a field trip today?? Well of course the supermarket!!! I'm shopping at Carrefour and then all of a sudden TONS of students come in and immediately take over the store doing some shopping!

Just in case you had a case of Mites that you needed to get rid of!!! LOL

Can't we all just get along?!? Ha

No comment on this one, but I'll just say it was at a car wash.. :)

The Chinese LOVE their PJ's. I feel like a slob if I wear my lounge pants out, but seeing this makes me feel a little better :) Red Flannel PJ's + Black Heels= Perfect Shopping outfit!

Rilynn and I have done 2 Mommy/Daughter days out which have been a blast.. What girl doesn't like to be pampered, even if you're 5.. We walk down the road to this local hair salon and on the way back stop for a slice of cheesecake.

Getting your hair washed and blow dryed takes about an hour and is heavenly. They wash your hair while you sit in the chair all while getting a head, shoulder, back, and arm massage. Then they rinse it out and give you a hot towel for your neck and face to relax. Lastly they take about 20 minutes to blow dry your hair. A friend here told me about it and I couldn't understand why she was getting her hair done every week, but now I completely understand!!!! Best part is... It's 58rmb (~$8)!!!!

Chad left this afternoon to travel around Indonesia, Phillipines, and Singapore. He'll be gone until the 13th and missed dearly!! Rilynn is off of school Monday and Tuesday for the holiday of 'Tomb Sweeping Day' on the 5th.. Our driver is also off so I'm really hoping for some nice weather so we can go outside and play.

Good news though.. Chad was finally able to get our Wii going before he left!!! Woohoo

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