
Friday, March 11, 2011

1st Field Trip...

Tuesday was Rilynn's 1st class field trip. They are learning about musical instruments as she will start to learn the violin soon. Her school requires violin lessons during school up until 3rd grade and then it's their choice. The older grades have an orchestra and put on some great shows.

So, her field trip was about a 10 minute bus ride to the Century Park campus of YCIS. Rilynn's school only goes up to 3rd grade and then they attend 4th grade + at Century Park. It was on a Tuesday so Susan wasn't here to watch Brady, but thankfully her teachers have been great letting Brady join in on Rilynn's festivities at school. So, Brady and I were able to ride the bus with her. The kids loved it! I feel a lot better seeing how nice the bus was as both kids will be riding it together in the fall. Rilynn was even able to sit with her 'boyfriend' Jiwoo :)

Brady sitting on the bus

Rilynn with Jiwoo

We got there and the music teacher explained a little about the different instruments they have. Then the kids were able to listen while the high school students had their music class. Lastly, they were able to play with some of the instruments. I was talking to a mom and she plays the violin and said that you are able to get violin's made here for like 100rmb ($15!!).. Before they head back she is thinking of buying a violin in each size for her kids to grow into... Might be an idea if Rilynn likes it!

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