
Friday, December 3, 2010

School in session..

Rilynn started school on Wednesday at Yew Chung International School of Shanghai. Her class is a great mix of kids from all over the world. We really are thankful and excited for the opportunity she has there. It's only about a 15 minute drive, which is nice. School is from 8-3:15. She has 2 teachers, Miss Anna (British, speaks English all day) and then Miss Stacey (who speaks Chinese all day, but does know English). It's great!! Rilynn will have an hour of Mandarin a day and combine that with her teacher she'll be picking up the language quick!

We are also hoping that Brady will be starting at the same school in February after he turns 3. We weren't planning on sending him so early, but believe it would really be the best for all of us :) LOL.

She wears a uniform everyday, which is a change. It's nice, but a shame she won't be able to wear her closet full of clothes and they also have such cute clothese here. We might have to do a couple wardrobe changes on the weekends. HA!

There have been no tears and she seems to be enjoying herself. Her daycare really deserves the credit for the transition. If this would've been her first school (all day) the transition probably wouldn't have been so easy. So thanks KB!!

She has a busy couple of weeks coming up. Her class is having a Christmas party with Santa coming next Friday, then her birthday on the 13th, and then Christmas! She'll be having a lot of time off from school between the Christmas break and then again at the end of January for the Chinese New Year. We can't wait for that though, because we just booked our vacation to Phuket, Thailand!! We'll be there over the CNY from 1/28-2/4. Really looking forward to our beach vacation :)

Thought it was cool seeing the months in Chinese too :)

When they get to school they write their name on a paper and stick it into which column they are feeling- So far she's been happy the 1st 3 days!

1 comment:

  1. Thats such a cute idea to write kids mood in the morning! aww I miss little me tonight if u can, I wanna see how she likes school, and I wanna see Bradys head!
