
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Our first dinner..

Tonight's dinner was definitely not McDonalds! We have been eating very western, thanks to my picky palate, but I was a supportive wife tonight. Chad has been eyeing this Singaporean restaurant by our house, so we all went to give it a try. First thing we noticed was that there was no silverware only chopsticks :) The kids were given some plastic dinnerware to use, lucky!

Chad ordered his black pepper crab that he had wanted, but the kids and I were trying to find something to please us.. We settled on what I thought was chicken fried rice and sweet n sour chicken (safe, right?). Wasn't a big fan of my "chicken fried rice" as the chicken was served cold and the rice was not easy eating with chopsticks! Halfway through the meal they must have seem me struggling as they brought a fork over. lol. I was under way too much pressure as the cook was eyeing me eat the food and the waitress was watching me with the chopsticks. One good thing was that the sweet n sour was actually pretty good!

The owner was very friendly and was enjoying the kids trying to speak Chinese to everyone :) They really do love children here. Brady was a trooper and tried everything, including Chad's crab, and even liked most of it! The owner was very nice and bought us a coconut dessert, which I managed to get down since it was a really nice gesture. I really am the world's pickiest eater!

All in all we survived, and only a tad hungry :) LOL

Our sweet n sour chicken
Rilynn's favorite part- Her OJ :)
Chad with his messy crab!

Here's my chicken fried rice :)

This week was a fun one, especially for me :) Thanks to some message boards I have been able to meet a lot of moms around me.
Tuesday's there is a group that meets every other week for coffee and the restaurant is very nice and caters to the kids. This was our 2nd time meeting up with them. It's fun and great to meet people who are living by you.
Wednesday, Brady and I went to a Christmas Bazaar to do some shopping and that was just a madhouse!! Way too many people there! That night I was invited to a Christmas Bubbles Night hosted by a New Zealand woman. There was about 20 other ladies with the bubbly flowing and we all had a great time! However, when I got home I realized that I had lost my entire wallet!! I figured it was just at her house and would wait until the next day to worry about it. However, the next day after searching her house we found nothing and then I started to freak out! Thankfully, long story short, a VERY honest cab driver gave it back to me yesterday- Cash and all!!! I had no contact info for me in China, so it's a miracle that it made it's way back to me.
Thursdaywe had to get Brady's staple out. Which apparently here needs to be done by a surgeon!! LOL - So after he took it out and it didn't stop bleeding he decided that it hadn't healed.. Genius! Anyways, he now has surgical glue holding it together. Hopefully it will heal up after that..
Friday, we met Sarah and Claire (family from Hudson) at the Children's Market to do more shopping. It was a little overwhelming, but fun. There were tons of stalls with vendors selling anything and everything related to kids. Toddlers can only last so long, but will definitely be going back by myself before Christmas. The best part is you get to bargain (which I'm still learning).
And this morning, we all headed out to Hongqiao Pearl Market. This is another huge market specializing in "fake" products. Was able to get Rilynn some cheap "crocs" for school and also Photoshop for only about $3!! Once again, will be great without the kids in tow :)

Killing time before meeting Sarah- Park that Brady did not want to leave. He loved the dragon boat! Who would've thought watching a man clean up a pond would be so much fun :) Notice the Gap store in the background- Just opened, can't wait to check it out!

Brady loved the dragon boat!

Brady and Claire- The best part of the market was the rides for them :)

Love the cute music :)

One of the very few Christmas decorations around here- Christmas will just not be the same here :(

1 comment:

  1. Awww they're so cute! Love Brady's little ride!
    Nice chicken huh hahahaah...
