
Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Program- China Style :)

Today Brady and I spent the morning at Rilynn's school for their Christmas program. Unfortunately Chad is in Korea right now, but we got it all on video tape for him :)

This week the kids wrote letters to Santa and put them in a box for him. Well today when they checked their letters they were gone, but there was a letter FROM Santa :) He then make a visit and gave each kid a book, well except for Brady. You'll see below in the video where he thought he called his name, but didn't.. After Santa was all done and Brady didn't get called, he ran across the circle to me and was in tears that he didn't get his Thomas the train that he asked for.. I did feel really bad for him, but used it to my advantage since he was a naughty boy yesterday. He started acting better after that and someone from the school ended up giving him a teddy bear and said Santa left it for him.. He was so happy!!!

They had stations set up for some crafts and to decorate cookies. Then they got together with 2 other classes and sang "The twelve days of Christmas" Australian style (very different!), "Jingle Bells" (English/Chinese), and "We wish you a Merry Christmas" (English).. Rilynn did pretty good for only starting a week ago!

We then had a big ole schmorgasbord potluck. Not your typical potluck! LOL.. It was also just a tad chaotic as they do not seem to believe in lining up here!!!

Ms. Anna- Rilynn's English Teacher

Ms. Stacey- Rilynn's Chinese Teacher

Jingle Bells

Poor Brady :( It was funny at the time, but I'm sure it just killed him not ending up getting a present!


  1. OMG! That is sooo sad, poor Brady Boo :(

  2. I just want to send him all of Ben's Thomas trains! The poor thing...

  3. I couldn't watch it. Poor Brady! Glad to hear he got a bear at the end. Gulp.
