
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Chad's away, we play :)

Chad had some dinners this week and then was in Korea for a couple days. So we had the whole week to ourselves. We managed to survive and had some fun too!!

We also found an ayi that started her trial this week. Her name is Sun Xia (Susan) and is able to speak a little English. So far it's been going great. She will be coming M-F 1-6pm. It was nice having her here this week when Chad was gone.. It's fun seeing Brady and her interact, he is teaching her English and she is teaching him Mandarin. It's great!

When you can't find a good pizza, why not make your own? LOL

Brady's first haircut in China- Only cost 38RMB ($5.70) plus no tip :) He did great- as I'm sure the car had something to do with that. Interesting trying to explain how you would like it cut to somehow who does not speak English.

Brady was a good boy so we made a stop at Starbuck's to pick up a kids hot chocolate :)

Today we were invited to a kids Christmas party at a clubhouse by our apt. They rented it out for the kids and we all pitched in. They had lots of food, fun, and a visit by Santa :) 2 days in a row for the kids! Today Rilynn got her Barbie that she asked for and I made sure that Brady got his Thomas the Train today. LOL

My cool Shanghai ornaments I found at a Christmas Bazaar. They are handpainted from the inside. Fun gifts for some of my new friends :) Since we already celebrated Christmas with our families before we left, I had to do some shopping for other people and not just the kids!

1 comment:

  1. What a steal on the haircut! Kids Hair is like $18.00 including tip and they don't have a car to sit in... So why no tip? Not allowed? Cute photos!
