
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Welcome to our New Home!

Finally, as promised, here are some pictures of our new home. In the last 2 weeks we have done a lot of rearranging and shopping :) It's starting to come together and feel more "homey". I still have more visions, but am happy for how it is coming along already. The bedrooms have wood floors and the rest of the floors are tiles which are not the greatest for the kids. We still have to buy some more rugs to make it feel more warm and cozy..

However, the absolute best part of our apartment is something that cannot be bought at IKEA... OUR VIEW!!! It's so amazing at night looking over seeing the river and Puxi side all lit up with lights.. Definitely not like Woodbury!!

I am trying to find an ayi for us to help with the cleaning, laundry, and some cooking. We will start with a PT one, about 12 hours a week and see how it goes. I've already met a lot of moms and most of them have FT one's, but I need to "ease" into it and see how it is.. Everything takes so much more time to get anything done, so it will be nice not to have to worry about the home chores.. Plus the going rate is around 15RMB/hr which comes out to be about $2/hr!! Can't get to used to it though, cause coming back to the States I will be scrubbing my own toilets :)

OK.. Here's our new home in Shanghai China!!

Our skyscraper apartment!!

We are on the 21st floor

View of one of the three clubhouses in our compound- This is the closest and has the bowling alley in it which we have already spent 2 of our nights there..

Daytime view of Pudong from our apartment

The AMAZING nighttime view of Pudong, Huangpu River, and Puxi all right from our living room!

Our Bedroom moving in.. Lamp went right into storage!! They definitely like gold around here!

Now, after :)

Our bedroom


Rilynn's room- Don't mind her mess- She LOVES her desk!

Brady's room

Dining Room before- Notice the rather large glass top- See previous blog post for after pic of that.. LOL

After- We went to the Flower Market and bought some greenery. Now we'll just see how long I can keep them alive :)

Our lovely living room before- Notice Chad's excitement!! LOL

And after- thanks in part to IKEA!


  1. Very nice home! When you move back, are you leaving all the decorations?

  2. It looks so bright with the big windows! Spectacular views! I bet you are counting the days til you get the rest of your stuff that was shipped.
