
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chad needs a pair of slippers!

OK, so the kids and I made our 2nd Ikea run today to buy some more stuff for the house. I'm dying to decorate it and make it feel more homey. I also decided to rearrange the furniture, which meant taking off all of our glass toppers on our tables. Glass and kids just don't mix! Well, I had everything off to the side until Chad got home to move it into our storage room. We were both moving the kitchen table glass and almost made it there and Chad (and yes he will admit it!) dropped his side down and hit the tile floor just right and SHATTERED into a million pieces!!! Not really what we had planned for our evening :) Too make it worse, our cleaning supplies are lacking a bit yet, so he had to make do with what we had (which was no broom!) It's cleaned up as best and we can do, but I'm sure we'll still be finding pieces for the next 2 years.. UGGGH. The kids and I have slippers already, but pretty sure we'll be shopping for a pair for Chad now :)

The remains of our glass table topper!