
Monday, November 15, 2010

Ahhh Walmart :)

Chicken anyone?

Or how about some pork? LOL

Walmart in Shanghai

Bowling night
Rilynn with her doughnut man :)

OK, so I'm definitely a Target lover, but since that's not here Walmart it is!! However, it is definitely different in Shanghai :)

It's divided in 2 floors- groceries and home/clothing. We made the mistake of going there on a Saturday afternoon. Not the smartest move, way too crowded! We did find some items that we needed and Chad was able to find a somewhat tolerable milk to drink. I haven't tried it yet, but the kids don't seem to mind it with chocolate or in their cereal so that's good. Chad wasn't a big fan of the first one we bought. I see trial and error happening a lot with the food here!

One of the biggest changes for me to get used to is the smells, especially in the stores. Besides seeing people picking out raw meat with their hands or seeing a pig hanging in the aisle, the smells is what gets me. The kids don't seem to notice so that's good :)

We were warned about strangers coming up to the kids and wanting to touch them and take their pictures. Well they were right. We were thinking it would be Brady's white hair that would do it, but it seems to be more Rilynn. It is mostly the older generation (men and women) and they will just come up and start talking in Chinese and touch their hair or cheek. We even had a huge group of people stop and take their picture with the kids!! LOL.. The kids are not quite sure what's going on so they are still a tad shy when they come up. However, they are getting pretty good saying "Ni Hao" (Hi) to everyone, which is pretty cute.

We are loving having a driver. Mr. Hou has been great. We tell him what time to meet us downstairs and there he is. He opens the door for us and helps the kids up in our minivan. We never worry about having to find a parking spot, he just drops us off the main entrance to where we are going and picks us up there too. We were bagging our groceries the other day and turn around to see him already taking our cart out to the car to load up! Very nice ;)

Today was Chad's first day at work. He is an early riser so he left at 6am. He said the
re was no traffic and only took 15 minutes to get there. However, he's not home yet so we'll have to see how it is at 4:30. The kids and I tested out the swimming pool at our clubhouse. It was nice, I'm sure we'll be spending more time there :) We also tried out the bowling alley the other night which was lots of fun!!

The great perk of being here is that you can almost get anything delivered!! There is a service called Sherpa's where you can order online in English from a bunch of restaurants and then they go pick it up on their motorcycle and deliver it to you. We had some pizza for lunch yesterday that was pretty good, thankfully!! We also rec'd our first grocery delivery today. It's free delivery if you spend like $20, so that's not a problem to spend. Today we ordered from Field's, an organic grocer. We've heard it's the best and cheap too boot!

OK, so I could go on and on, but I need to go for the repairman coming. We haven't quite figured out all the appliances yet. We have somewhat figured out the washer/dryer and stove, but not the dishwasher/microwave/oven. I am sick of handwashing all the dishes so hopefully he can help me to figure the thing out!!

More to come.. I'll try and post some pics of the apt soon!! BTW, glad we left when we did and avoided the snow :) Hope you all have fun shoveling.. Ha


  1. How did the kids like bowling? Glad to hear Chad liked the milk! the kids say anything about ice? Good thing you found pizza! Are there any corn dogs or chicken nuggets for the kids? That's weird they take pics of the kids.maybe they think they're angelina jolie's kids haha..hope your appliances get better to use! Skype soooon.

  2. Just catching up on the blog. Love all the pictures and hearing about your new experiences. I am truly in awe!
