
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gardens and more..

First, I'll start with the best news.. Our shipment came!!!! It only took 2 weeks, which made for an early Christmas for us! Was very nice to be reunited with all of our stuff and not just the items in our suitcases :)

More exploring around our compound.. They have 6 gardens around the buildings. Our building has the English Lawn that we have the view of. The next couple pictures are of the Chinese Suzhou Garden. It was very Chinese and peaceful. They had a koi pond with a waterfall and all the walkways had chinese laterns.

Koi Fish- next time we'll bring some food to feed them

Good view of the Shanghai World Financial Center- one of the tallest buildings in the world

German Swan Lake Garden

We all had fun going through the French Maze Garden
On Friday we went to visit Rilynn's school that she will be starting next week. She is very excited to start!! Rilynn and Brady were both even able to play the violin a bit:) I can't wait to hear her start speaking Chinese! Brady will probably be starting here as well, but not until February when he turns 3.

The street we live on :)


  1. Cool pics! Her school looks fun!

  2. Nevermind, you got your stuff already!

    Your pictures with the Chinese sculptures and traditional buildings with the kids are priceless. Wow! What an adventure!
