
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving dinner with a staple ending..

Last night we were able to celebrate Thanksgiving with 3 other American families and Chad's boss. We had a total of 8 kids with Rilynn being the oldest, which was a little chaotic, but also nice to have our normal Thanksgiving background noise :) LOL. It was great having some turkey and pumpkin pie to eat and the kids had fun playing with their new friends and sharing their turkey cookies :)

However, around 8pm as a game of Hide and Seek was happening, Brady went to hide behind the couch. Well, unfortunately while he was going back there he hit his head on the metal window sill and split his head open. We were on the Puxi side of the city and had our driver so we headed to the closest international hospital which was about 15 minutes. We walked into the ER and were given a bed right away with a nurse following. She cleaned his wound and a doctor came in shortly after and spoke great English. Brady rec'd one staple in his head and will have to go back in 5 days to get it out. We then went to the cashier to pay our bill and pick up our abx cream and were out in less than an hour! It was great :)

Today is rest day for all of us.. I just want him to be careful and not fall, which is usually an everyday occurrence for him.. But he really is doing just fine :) Now he'll just have a matching scar on the other side of his head from his last stiches.. What a boy! UGGH..

It will definitely be a Thanksgiving that will never be forgotten!!

Kids eating their Thanksgiving dinners

Rilynn finally able to enjoy their cookies that they worked so hard on!

Our 1st ER trip- Shanghai United Family Hospital

Our staple ending on our Thanksgiving dinner


  1. Ahh! That's so sad (and so typical, right?) Hope everythings healing up ok.
