
Friday, August 20, 2010

Pre Visit Day 3-4 House Hunting

Well, after 3 schools and about 20 properties we found a school and an apartment we like!! The school is called Yew Chung International School. Rilynn would be starting after we get settled in December. Each room has an English and Chinese speaking teacher. They also have an hour a day Mandarin lessons as well as violin lessons! They said that within 6 months children usually are at a conversation level and by 2 years they are fluent in Mandarin, including reading and writing!! That was absolutely crazy to us.

Today is negotiation day so hopefully our apartment we like stays available. They tend to go really fast around here. Our apartment is on the 16th floor in the compound Shi Mao Riviera Gardens in Pudong Shanghai. The views are incredible!! It has 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, living room, kitchen, maid quarters, and a private elevator and entrance. It has a huge open area right out the door which is hard to come by in Shanghai. Also, it has 2 clubhouses. One of which is right outside our apartment.

Super Brand Mall- within walking distance to our apartment. Has a Toys R Us and Best Buy in it :)

Here are some pictures of the apartment

View of the outdoor wave pool and beach

One of 2 indoor pools at the clubhouse in our compound

The 1st clubhouse is huge! Has plenty of things to do :)

Another shot of the outdoor pool

Indoor gym. Also has a climbing wall on the side

Bowling alley. (Nilla better watch out Trevor, Rilynn may become a pro bowler!) LOL

AWESOME view from the 16th floor apartment. This is on the Pudong side on the river in Shanghai. The other side on the river is Puxi which is the older part of China. Pudong is only 15 years old and is much cleaner, has more grass with lots of greenery, and wider roads.

View from our apartment of the great grass area for the kids to play in.


One of the kids' rooms

Living Room- We can't wait to see the view at night!!

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap this place looks sooo nice! Much better than that place in Woodbury haha j/k!
    Rilynn thinks were all going to China, I said no auntie and uncle are not going but might come visit, and she goes why not auntie? :(
