
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pre Visit Day 2

Today was a loooooong day so this will be short. We spent the day with a guide touring the city of Shanghai. It was very informative and interesting, but a little overwhelming with the amount of info we were given. Overall though, it was a fun day. Went to a couple grocery stores, 'wet market', the Bund, People's Square, Super Brand Mall, and many other places that I can't remember the names. My favorite place aside from the mall (LOL) was the Fabric Market. At this market you are able to have custom made clothing done for you for a cheap price. You can either bring in a picture and they can replicate it or else they have examples and you can pick the fabric. This included anything from leather jackets, dresses, dress shirts, whatever... Very cool!!!

For dinner we went out with Sarah, Andy, and their 2 girls who are 4 and 2 to an Italian restaurant. Andy also works for 3M and they moved here 2 months ago. We had a lot of fun with them and will be looking forward to spending more time with them when we move here!

Tomorrow is house shopping!! We are looking at 8 properties, so it will be another long day but the day we've been waiting for! More to come...

This is actually in a chain grocery store.. It actually was really nice, but I think I'll be avoiding the turtles for dinner..
Shanghai is hosting the 2010 World Expo right now, which is a huge deal to them. This is a picture of their mascot who is all over the city.

View from the Bund overlooking the river at the Pudong area of Shanghai.

Kids store they are going to love!!!! They also even have a Toys R Us.

People's Square

Movie theater

Pictures from a 'wet market'... Pretty sure we won't be buying much except maybe some fruit and vegetables from these!

Chickens awaiting their end of life...

Hard to see, but there are fish in those tanks.

And this is the way the Chinese buy their meat. Our guide said most do not own fridges so they come to the markets daily for their food. Pretty sure we'll be staying away from this meat!! I'll be sticking to the frozen beef in the stores :)

Walking into the market

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