
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Barry Sanders in China!

When Chad was home for Thanksgiving he saw a sign that Barry Sanders was coming to Shanghai. He was Chad's favorite playing growing up so was very bummed that he couldn't be here for the event. But, he wanted the kids and I to go to live through us :)
It was a Monday night at 7:30pm so wasn't sure how the kids would do being out late, but thankfully they did awesome and had a great time!
There was only about 200 people and everyone was watching the Lions vs Colts on a big screen eating some burgers and fries. Barry was sitting a couple tables away from us watching the game as well.
During halftime, they had a Q & A session with him and also had the Raiderette cheerleaders perform. Thankful to the amazing technology we have, Chad was able to listen and see the 'halftime show'. Following that we were able to meet him and take photos and get autographs. Unfortunately Chad couldn't talk during that time or else he could've said hi via skype :)
I know Chad would've loved to have been there, but at least he was 'there' for a portion of it!


The MC for the evening was Allan Wu- host of the Amazing Race Asia

 Did a group shot with Allan Wu and Barry Sanders - and some other people :) LOL

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