
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Xiaolongbao Master..

Well, not exactly :) LOL

After being here for 2 years, I am still not a fan of the traditional Chinese food here. There is a huge difference between the good 'ol Leeann Chin and the food here! However, one food I have enjoyed here are soup dumplings, or xiaolongbao. There is a great restaurant, Din Tai Fung, which I love to eat at!

One of my friends organized a cooking class to learn how to make the dumplings like Din Tai Fung. We had 10 ladies come and each ended up making 12 dumplings from scratch in 2 hours.

It was a lot harder that I expected! LOL.. It definitely seemed like a lot of work for what some people charge for them on the streets!

Our chef was funny. She didn't speak any english, but definitely let you know when you weren't doing it right! She'd grab it right from your hand, show you again, and give it back :) Or if really weren't doing good, she'd scrap your dumplings and make you start over!

It was a fun day! And the best part was eating them at the end :)

Bought a bamboo steamer to bring back to the US. We'll see if I can remember how to make them!

Here were my finished dumplings! MMMM

Group shot

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