
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Our First Pets..

Another oldie :)
Thanks to Brady's teachers I really couldn't say no to taking home these 2 silkworms. I went to pick him up and he comes out with 2 worms on a plate with leaves and was so excited! He named the big one "Henry" and the little one "Perry"

One would think worms would probably be the best pet, however they don't tell you all they do is eat and poop... A LOT!!! And they only eat special Mulberry tree leaves. Thankfully, the teachers sent some home, but then I had to order some more off a website. Only in China can you order leaves and have them delivered the next day for a buck!

BUT... The best part of this pet is that is a very short term pet with (hopefully) no tears involved!! After a week of eating and pooping this is what they turned into..

Henry made his cocoon!

Here is the final product- a lovely MOTH and also a TON of eggs!!

Thankfully, we just happened to be leaving for the summer and told ayi to put them in a nice home outside :) AND, Brady didn't even notice they were gone by the time we came back in August!

Perfect :)

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