
Monday, January 23, 2012

Chinese New Year at School

Chinese New Year is a huge celebration here. The kids and Chad are off of school for a whole week. The week before break they had a bunch of different celebrations and class parties.

The first one was a Chinese performance at their school. It was on a Friday night and Chad had a work dinner so I invited Susan to join us. I think she enjoyed herself :) There was a half hour performance and then different games for the kids to play.

The kids all decked out in their traditional Chinese dress and ready for the performance.

Cool Sugar Art

 Rilynn with her friend from England

 Susan and Brady going fishing..

 Picking up marbles with chopsticks.. Impossible for us, but Susan did it so fast :)

Rilynn was presented an award during assembly for her hard work in English. She is now able to write in sentences on her own as well as is becoming an awesome reader! So proud :)

Rilynn's Chinese Party at school involved singing a few songs, doing some crafts, and then having a potluck. I just love how much Chinese she is learning!!

I put this video in to show how a typical Chinese lesson would be taught. That is her Chinese teacher, Ada Shui speaking. It's fun to see her speak and then for Rilynn to be able to understand and answer!

Brady's Chinese Party


Brady with his buddies

Brady's Chinese party where they made a bunch of crafts. Here they are making a dragon.

Brady with his Chinese teacher Miss Laurel

And with his Australian teacher Miss Sam

Brady's class

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