
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

Happy 7th Anniversary to us!! Time flies when you are having fun :) I am so grateful and fortunate to have found the love of my life and for what experiences and memories we have created and for 2 amazing children, who make us smile and laugh everyday. I really couldn't ask for anything more!

I love you Chad and I am so lucky to have found you!!
October 2, 2004

Chad left this morning to head off to India until Thursday so we celebrated yesterday. Susan came over at 2:00 and we first went grocery shopping (very romantic, I know! LOL), then massages, dinner at Morton's Steakhouse (awesome steaks!), then checked out the Snow Bar for a couple shot.
Fun filled day!

Pearl Tower in background. Morton's had a great view of it.

 Snow Bar- This place sounded cool so we thought we'd check it out. They give you each a jacket and then you enter the bar (which is -5 degrees), bartendar followed us in and we were able to pick a vodka shot. They only serve Vodka shots and have a selection of 150 kinds. I went with a rasberry and mint. Chad went with rasberry and a banana. Problem was each shot was $10! So we managed to go through $40 in a matter of 5 minutes :) Pretty much paying for the novelty of the place, but it was cool. Felt like being home in Minnesota. LOL

 Couple pics from last week... Rilynn with her gymnastics class.

Last weekend we went to a Bikes, Brunch, and Bubba's (restaurant) event. There was a nice and quiet area behind the restaurant where the kids were able to play and ride their bikes. We loved the area so much we are going back on Wednesday with a bunch of friends since there is no school this week for National Holiday here.

I went out last week for a foot massage with some new friends that just moved here. One of the ladies brought some OJ and vodka for some mommy morning drinks :) One of the ladies put these pics together.. Ha

Rilynn had their first school curriculum assembly last week. They went on stage and performed 2 songs, one in English and the other in Chinese. She continues to impress us with how fast she is picking up the language!


It is going to be a long week with no school, but I'm sure we'll manage to stay busy. Definitely will be looking forward to Chad coming back on Thursday though :)

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