
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sun and done!

So, now that the rain has stopped, it got sooo hot!! I thought it was humid in MN, but not even close to what it is here. Thankfully though we were able to get an evening outside before Chad left..

I know I'm a tad biased, but Brady has got some skills!! He knows how to play every sport and is actually really good at them. For being 3 I think it's pretty good :)

Boys playing ball, Rilynn off enjoying her bike. Goal for this summer home is to get her off the training wheels..
Rilynn's last day of school was the 23rd. Most of the kids are coming back in the fall, but she says she is really going to miss David! I really can't believe this whole boy thing is starting already.. Poor Chad is going to be gray by the time she is 10 :)
Last day of school with some of her friends and teachers

I am really thrilled with the choice of school we picked. She has become more outgoing and very social. She started learning how to play the violin and knows more Chinese than I do! Coming home from school this day was pretty cool- Rilynn was getting out of the car and some of her papers were blowing away. She started yelling in Chinese! I was so shocked that without even thinking it came out in Chinese.. Then we went home and Susan was working that day. Rilynn and Susan were carrying on conversations and laughing while mommy had no idea what they were saying. Talk about feeling stupid- when your 5 year old is smarter than you!!! LOL

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