
Monday, February 21, 2011

There really is a market for everything...

I had heard of this place and have been wanting to check it out. It is a 'marriage market' in People's Park which is in People's Square in Puxi. Every weekend morning parents and grandparents gather in this park to trade basic information on their offspring in hopes of finding a potential spouse for their son or daughter. There are thousands of paper personal advertisements here with stated things like their age, height, education level, job, salary, property owned, and an occasional picture. These 'ads' are handwritten or even typed and hang from bushes, a tent covered clothesline, or even laying on the ground.

So, on Sunday after our trip to Ikea, the kids and I made our way to check this place out. It sounded so bizarre that this kind of stuff still goes on that I had to see it for myself :)

However, we came across this amusement park on our way there inside the park so of course the kids had to check it out. Pretty sure they won't be riding on any of those rides anytime soon! Just not ready to trust their safety yet.. LOL

Yes, those are people in that circle with their legs hanging down!

I really wish I could read Chinese to see what they all said!!

There were about 3 of these covered tents filled with sheets on both sides!!

It would've been nice to know how the process worked as there were parents/grandparents all seated around here. They all had a bag and a flyer with their offsprings info in front of them. I assume if you were interested you would put your contact info in the bag to get connected. So strange to see them all just waiting around while people were reading their bio's!! LOL

I am so thankful that our parents did not need to resort to this in order for Chad and I to meet!!!! LOL