
Thursday, February 10, 2011

My new do :)

Random post, but it's a huge change for me :)

Coming here I prepared myself to let my hair grow long and 'tried' to go darker before I left to try and get by without getting it colored.. Well, after being here for 3 months I couldn't take it any longer! So thanks to a recommendation from a message board here, I took the plunge yesterday.

Her name is Gillian and she is from Ireland and she was fab! My cut and color put me back 750RMB ($115) which to me here seems like a FORTUNE, but relatively speaking I paid this back in the US all the time. It's just hard to pay 350RMB ($50) for a haircut when I can walk down the street and get one for 58RMB :) However, it's' definitely worth it for an English speaking stylist who understands colored hair and not just black! Ha

So... introducing my new do!!!!

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