
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Staying caught up...

Trying really hard to stay pretty current with my updates, or else I will get really behind :)

We've seen these ropes hanging outside our windows on and off for the last week or so.. Well, thankfully Brady was able to see the cleaners.. LOL.. We were skyping with auntie Val at the time so got to see them too.. Obviously we are easily amused!!

Seriously though, we are so high up and they were only using suction cups and sitting on a seat that looked like a wooden swing.. No thank you!!

Val took this picture from Skype- Kinda looks freaky like someone is trying to break in!! HA

Brady enjoying the view :)
On Monday we met up at the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium with 3 other moms and their toddlers. It was pretty cool. It had 3 floors and a large underwater tunnel. We were members at Underwater Adventures in the MOA, so this was right up Brady's alley. He loved it! Also helped that he had his new friends with him too :)

The escalator went under the tunnel.. Again, easily amused :)

All the kids loved the scuba diver!
Last night we were invited over to our friends house from New Zealand. They are in Building 1 and we are in 7, so just down the road. Had some a great conversation and a wonderful dinner. Tried lamb for the first time, and will probably be the last :) She also ordered 2 pizzas as backup since she already knew what kind of eater I was!! Ha. However, I DID eat everything on my plate! Holly is really great with the kids and they were having a blast. Next thing I know it's 9:30! Ooops.. Chad came home at 11pm, went to bed, then up and gone at 6am to head into the office. He left from there to fly over to Japan for a couple days, then back here on Saturday.

And last, but not least- My mini photo shoot :)

Tomorrow night Rilynn's school is having a big Chinese New Year celebration. The kids and I are going to check it out. More to come on that :)

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