
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Our Chinese Christmas

It was definitely a different Christmas for us this year. Thankfully for the kids, Santa managed to track us down all the way in China!

Last week our apartment complex had a Christmas Party. Chad was still traveling, but I thought it would be good to meet some people so the kids and I went to it... They had the basketball court all decorated with a bunch of chairs set up. I was expecting a "mixer" of some sort to mingle.. LOL, nope it was a Christmas program all in Chinese :) They had singers, dancers (Indian and Chinese), a magician, and a raffle all in Chinese.. Needless to say not sure if I won anything!! :)

As I looked around I noticed that we were pretty much the only Americans in the whole gym. It's such a strange feeling being such a minority here.. I experienced a lot of cultural differences just while sitting in my chair. First, there is no such thing as waiting in line.. The kids waited right next to the guy filling up balloons for them for 20 minutes, no lie! They just stood there patiently waiting while everyone, adults included, would go ahead of them. Secondly, staring is acceptable. We get uncomfortable after a couple second glance from someone, but here is perfectly ok to turn around at you and stare and maybe even take some pictures! Lastly, it's ok to talk, stand in front of people, and pretty much block your entire view.. Thankfully, Chad showed up because I was almost ready to burst into tears.. I can say now that I have experienced my official first "China Day." However, thanks to the cultural classes that we took before we left it's nice knowing that it's normal to have these feelings, and it will pass :)

Chad had to work on Christmas Eve, but took a half day off. We went to the mall and let the kids play at the gym and had Pizza Hut afterwards.. Up until now, we had been lucky with someone at the restaurants being able to speak some English. But our waitor didn't so he went to grab someone who we assumed did. You can usually get by just by pointing at the menu, but they didn't have just a plain pepperoni pizza pictured so we were just pointing at the pepperoni on another pizza. Well, I'm sure you can figure out where I'm going, but we ended up with the pizza we pointed too. A deluxe pizza with pineapple, not what we were expecting.. LOL.. Also, although it was extremely busy I guess it's ok to take a nap at your table when you are finished eating :)

I couldn't resist taking a pic with my phone of these 2 ladies taking a snooze at Pizza Hut!

We came home and the kids opened up their matching PJ's from Santa, watched Shrek the Halls, listened to Gma and Gpa Nathe's "The Night before Christmas" book, put out carrots for the reindeer and milk/cookies for Santa, and off to bed so Santa could come :)

(Don't mind the mattress in the background, we finally got a whole new one!)

Christmas morning we woke up to full stockings, cookies eaten, and a tree filled with gifts underneath.

Santa and his reindeer enjoyed their cookies and carrots :)

Patiently watching daddy open his gifts :)

Brady's Train Table

That Santa....He knew she wanted a Barbie just by writing a "B" on her letter to him :) AMAZING!

Part of her new outfit from mommy and daddy- a new pettiskirt and flower bow, so pretty! I'm sure there will be a lot more pictures of her in this outfit :)

My handsome Brady Boo!

Having fun with the new train table. This one will for sure be coming back with us, they love it!

We were also able to Skype with some of my family and I also was able to get a hold of some of my friends.. It was different not being able to be with everyone this year :(

After nap we headed off to a kids Christmas party which sounded fun.. We got there and the place was pretty small with only about 5 tables. We were expecting a little bigger and more people to celebrate with :) They had 3 hours of play, crafts, cookie decorating, magic show, Santa visit, and dinner planned. Their English was pretty good and they had a bunch of helpers so it actually turned out to be a relaxing evening for Chad and I. They had Christmas carols playing and wine to drink.. Our Christmas dinner was pumpkin soup (eh), shish kabobs (cold), some kind of meat (not tasty), mashed potatoes (very cold), asparagus, pasta, and toast. We would probably have eaten more, but it's just too eat food cold. For whatever reason the food here seems to be served cold and not warm. It's hard to get served a very warm meal..

Probably about due for a picture of us :)

Brady spinning the wheel of prizes- He won a free pottery class :)

Magic show on Christmas- only here! Notice the wall.. There is no "Merry Christmas", it's "Happy Christmas"!! LOL

Rilynn figured out who this Santa was- not a great job on the costume. We told her he had to fill in since he was too tired from the night before :)

Playing outside on Christmas- Not usually done in Minnesota!!

After all is said and done, we are really extremely blessed to be here in China for this amazing opportunity. We have our health and amazing family and friends back in the US waiting for our return. We love you all and miss you tons!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas, we missed you! I can't believe the ppl at pizza hut fall asleep! lol..weird how the food is served cold! Brady got a pottery class?? thats funny! Thats funny she knew how it was a fake santa..shes so cute! Love and miss you all <3
