
Thursday, December 16, 2010

How to keep a toddler happy..

STAY BUSY!!!! Seriously though, we have been heading out in the morning to get Rilynn to school by 8am and then we are out and about until lunchtime.. I'm still getting used to the stay at home piece of being here and I can tell we are definitely not staying home :) Here's some pics of our activities last week..

Playground- a little farther out in Shanghai- seemed to have more locals

I tried to get a picture showing what the kids are wearing here. First off, anywhere you go here indoors is HOT. I think they are all cold blooded and feel the need to be really warm at all times. Kids are always dressed in many layers, even when playing.

A toy that you would not find in the US, but Brady had a blast! He didn't quite figure out that he could let go first though :)

We visited an electric train display at the Hilton in Shanghai. I guess it's a yearly tradition that they do. Brady really liked these!

These pictures are from the Science and Technology Museum. It is only about 5 minutes from our house and pretty cheap to get in. We spent 3 1/2 hours here and I had to drag him out of there.

World animal displays.. I went to take Brady's picture in front the huge elephant and then the elephant made a huge noise. Needless to say I didn't get a picture after that :)

Rainbow Childrens Playground

It's Brady :)

Pretty cool. They used water and lighting to make rainbows. We got there right when it opened so we pretty much had the place to ourselves which was really nice. And just like everywhere else here there is never a shortage of workers standing around. They were all very helpful and followed us around to show us how everything worked and plus they really liked playing with Brady!

Stamping up

Life size Lite Brite

Step on the button to make the animal come out and make their sounds

World of Robot Exhibit

World of Robots exhibit- Robot was playing the piano

My singer :) We were across the way when Brady heard the music for "Twinkle, Twinkle" and he ran over to watch the robot. The guy then handed Brady a mic and he sang away. It was pretty cute and he even drew a crowd :)
Rilynn is home now with us for Christmas break until Jan 4, so I'm sure we'll be revisiting some of these again!

1 comment:

  1. Brady is so cute! I laughed everytime he didn't let go haha..I could just see him running from the elephant much fun stuff for them there!
