
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Packing and more packing!

Wow, what a crazy week this has been!! The house was so nice and quiet having the kids in Mankato last week, but that sure changed in a hurry! We had a wedding in Mankato on Saturday (Congrats to Jim and Barb), then came home Sunday to watch the game, and then finally went trick or treating with the whole family. We had to also find some time in between things to try and get our air shipment ready.

Kids all ready for the wedding

Kids in their costumes

So, right on time at 8am Monday morning about 7 movers came with our one and lonely box for the air shipment. It was 58"x42"x45".. Not too big when you are trying to ship 2 years of stuff in it! We were limited as to not pack any books, dvds, cd's, or any liquids. We also had to keep in mind that this box will not arrive for about a month, so it made for a HARD pack!!

Our one and only air shipment in route to China. Can't wait to see you again in a month!!

So now here I am sitting in our lovely lawn chair in our empty living room. We sold our furniture on Friday so it's been fun. LOL.. Tomorrow brings the movers back to pack the rest of house into storage until we come back. After Thursday we will be left with 2 carseats, stroller, and 9 suitcases.. That will be what we live on for the next month.. Fun times, fun times!!

We are planning on staying in our empty house on Thursday for a camp out, then head out to a hotel for a couple nights, then back home for another camp out Sunday to get our laundry done, and then off to the airport Monday for our flight at 1:10pm. Whew!! I honestly just cannot wait until we are actually there.. The prep work is exhausting!

Here is our China address:

Lane 2 Wei Fang Xi Road, Shimao Riveria

Unit 2102, Block 15

Shanghai, China 200122

We also are able to bring our home phone number with us using Vonage, so you can call us in China just like you would be calling us in MN. Same with us, it's just like dialing locally back home. However, make sure you remember that we are 13 hours ahead of you. We don't need any 3am phone calls :)

In case we didn't get a chance for us to personally say goodbye before we left please know that we love you all and you will be greatly missed by our whole family!!

Next post will be coming to you from China!! Well, that is if we survive the 18 hour flight with the kiddos!!

1 comment:

  1. Sad sad..I will miss you all!!! :(
    I'm saving so I can come visit!
