
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My First Post

Well, the blog is finally up and running! I'm sure I will be still be editing and changing the layout a million times in the next couple of years, but here it is so far..

As most of you know our family will be relocating to Shanghai China for Chad's work this fall. We will be over there for 1-2 years. As of now we don't know the exact dates, but are thinking it will be around September/October. We are very nervous not knowing what to expect over there and sad about what we will be leaving behind us back home, but we are all starting to get very excited for our adventure!

This first post will be short and sweet, as I mostly just wanted to see how this blogging thing worked, but there will be plenty more to come starting in the next couple of months. Chad and I will be traveling to China in either July or August for a week to start house shopping and getting a tour of the area. So lots more to come!!


  1. What an awesome adventure! Blessings to your entire family. You will certainly be missed here!

    Brenda Wieber (BCBSMN Co-worker)

  2. Lindsay!

    Oh my gosh! Wow! If you can't tell I am honestly speechless. Please lets get together so I can hear about this straight from you.

